Small Group Training is offered for Viper athletes currently on Elite, National and Local teams who would like more individual attention, but cannot commit to private lessons. These small group trainings were designed specifically to provide technical feedback for players to be better prepared for team practices. Coaches will cover motor learning patterns, eye-work, athletic positioning, how to think and self-correct. All of these skills will translate to a better volleyball understanding and significantly contribute in the team atmosphere.
The lead coaches for the small group training sessions will work closely with Viper’s team coaches to have a full understanding of where a player’s focus and attention needs to be. Consistency in a player’s approach to understanding their skills and how to continuously improve them will positively influence a player’s development over the course of a season. Our small group training sessions will revolve around players learning more about themselves as athletes and how to be more efficient with their movements.
Class Elements
Technique · Skill Reps · Motor Pattern Movements · Self Correction · Individualized focus
Required Attire
Viper Practice gear
Fees and Terms
Class is offered multiple times during the week based upon age and team level. The monthly fee is $45. This is a month-to-month commitment. If you join/start in the middle of a month, you will pay $12 per remaining class for that month. Written notice is necessary to drop from the class prior to the billing on the first of each month. You can submit this notice via email to pookie@vipervolleyball.org. Please note that no refunds are given if you drop after billing has been processed or if you miss classes.